Thursday, November 19, 2015

How to Make Your Own Diet Plan

Lose Weight by the Calorie Restriction Diet Plan

People often have a hard time choosing a diet regimen to follow since there are lots of diet plans to choose from. So instead of going through the whole process, why not make your own diet plan instead? Making your own diet regimen will suite your lifestyle and personality so that it would probable work. In this article you will learn about the different principles used by diet plans so you can make your own. You will get surprised that most of them follow the same concept.

Plan your own diet regimen with these five steps:

1. Know your target weight and plan

This is the first and basic step, know your current weight and set a goal. Measure your waist circumference and compute for your body mass index (BMI). These two parameters will show you how much you have lost and how much you need to improve on. 

When you're trying to set a weight loss goal, don't be shy to aim for a high one. There is nothing wrong with wanting to lose 10 pounds in just one week. The higher your goal is, the better the result that you will get. Challenge yourself and don’t settle for less, remember that motivation and hard work is the key to success. 

Then plan for your target date, for example planning to lose 20 - 30 pounds in eight weeks. Rapid weight loss is known to be effective and motivating. Don’t let the numbers intimidate you because you’ll get more motivated once you see rapid and big results.

2. Decrease your daily calorie intake

In order to lose 1-1.5 kilos per week, you need to reduce 1,000 calories from your daily intake. If your goal is to lose 0.5 kilo per week, you’ll need to reduce 500 calories from your daily intake. Decreasing daily calorie intake is one thing diet programs have in common because fewer intake will ultimately lead to weight loss. These are true if you choose to go on a diet without exercise. The formula is suitable for people who don’t have enough time to enroll in an exercise program.

3. Cut of your carbohydrates and make the right choices

Complex carbohydrates provide more nutritional value than simple carbohydrates. If you try to notice most of the diet plans contain complex carbohydrates because they also contain fiber for improved digestion. Simple carbohydrates on the other hand are rapidly digested which can make you feel hungry even after intake.

Try this principle by choosing foods rich in complex carbohydrates like green vegetables, whole grains, beans, and peas. These are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and complex carbohydrates. You have a wide variety to choose from which can satisfy your appetite. Avoid diet sodas since they contain sugar substitute that are not good for your health.

4. Know the difference between saturated and unsaturated fat

Removing unhealthy fat is another principle used by all diet plans. Saturated fats are unhealthy which directly increase blood cholesterol and LDL levels. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are healthy fat recommended by health professionals because they sweep off bad cholesterol and lipids.

Removing unhealthy fat and promoting the good fat are seen in Weight Watchers Diet, Mayo Clinic Diet, South Beach Diet, and Paleo Diet. You can also try this principle by choosing foods rich in healthy fats like corn oil, olive oil, soybean, safflower, canola oil, and fish. Nutritious fish to remember are HAMMS: Herring, Anchovies, Mackerel, Salmon, and Sardines. You can also snack on nuts and avocados; they’re rich in good fat too.

5. Add those principles and put them to action

After knowing which food to choose, we now put these principles into action. Diet programs have been claiming their superiority over the others when it comes to weight loss. A Canadian compilation of over 59 credible journals says that diet programs bring the same result. The weight loss difference between diet programs was minimal and not significant. The bottom line is to go on a diet and choose a program that best fit your lifestyle. You can eat the food that you like provided that it’s healthy.

By making your own diet plan, there are higher chances that you would really stick to it. That is why it would cause less failures. In this way, you learn and try to discipline yourself which is good for your health and for your future. 

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