Thursday, November 26, 2015

How to Survive Mt. Pulag: Tips For First Timers

Mt. Pulag Must Knows and Traveling Tips

Mt. Pulag is one of the most favorite hiking spots in the Philippines. It was popularly known as the second tallest mountain in the Philippines, but a recent data shows otherwise and that it already became the third tallest mountain.

Anyway, planning is a must when you want to go to Mt. Pulag. I do admit, when I first went there, there were lots of things that I didn't know which made my hike a lot harder. In this article you will learn the essentials, must knows, and some traveling tips to Mt. Pulag. These will help you survive Mt. Pulag.

What to bring to Mt. Pulag

Deciding on what to bring to Mt. Pulag is very important and it will help you survive the hike. Here are the basic things you need to bring to survive Mt. Pulag.
  • Carry light and bring only what you need. One of the most basic tip to Mt. Pulag is to carry light, carry only a few items so that it will be easier as you go along the hike. There is no place to take a bath at the mountain or at the campsite. Another option would be is to leave some of your things and clothes at the headquarters area (where the jeep stops). You could take a bath there before or after the hike. Although there are porters who could help carry your things, if you can't carry light.
  • Cooked food or canned goods. It's hard to cook at the campsite and it will surely get most of your time. Plus the materials you need for cooking will add up to your load. To make your camping experience a lot easier, one Mt. Pulag survival tip is to bring cooked food or canned goods so you could enjoy most of the view.
  • Snacks and drinks. For those who will hike for the first time, hiking is a real exhausting activity and you need snacks to maintain your energy throughout the hike. This is very important for those who will pass through the hard trail. Bring jelly ace or mini chocolate bars this are quick source of glucose and it helped us a lot or you could bring any snacks that you want for as long as you bring some.
  • Rain gear and garbage bags. We weren't expecting rain when we went there because it was in the middle of November. But still it poured on the second day and we weren't quite prepared. When I asked our tour guide, she said that rain in Mt. Pulag is ALWAYS unexpected so be prepared. Bring rain coats fit for you and bring garbage bags for your camping bag as well. 
*Another Mt. Pulag tip: Place your things, clothes, and other stuff in a plastic bag before putting it in your camping bag. Some of my friends did this which saved their things from the pouring rain (which I wish I also knew before I packed my stuff). 

What to Expect in Mt. Pulag

Aside from the scenic view and the long hike there's a lot more to expect when you hike Mt. Pulag. There would be few stop overs where you will be instructed on the rules and regulation of the park. You would also be offered a tour guide if you still don't have one. It is their rule that every group of guests should have a tour guide no matter how many times you've been to Mt. Pulag. It would also be easier to survive Mt. Pulag with a tour guide, they do help a lot.

Once you start the trail you won't see much but you will see a better view as you go along. Take a rest if you want to, like for us we would stop and rest at a scenic view. There are water refilling stations as you go along, so there's no need to worry if you consumed your water already. 

It gets really cold at the month of November especially at night. For those who will go to Mt. Pulag in the months of December to February do expect ice along the trail! Yes, at this months it gets really cold in the mountain that guests could see ice on the grass and along the trail. While for those who would prefer a better view of the mountain and the park, it is better to go there at summertime. It is also better to go during summer because there would be less chances of rain. 

Mount Pulag is also known for the breathtaking sunsets. Being able to witness a magnificent beauty of nature is truly a remarkable experience. At the end your hike, you would certainly have that rewarding feeling especially to see that you are really higher than the clouds, higher than other mountains, and higher than any place. 

What to Wear in Mount Pulag & Hiking Tips

Here are some additional tips to help you during your hike and survive Mt. Pulag:
  • Wear the right gear. Wearing the right gear changes a lot of things during the hike and it is better than using ordinary shoes or clothes. Be sure that your shoes is fit for a mountain trail or your feet will likely have calluses and blisters after. Also, wear the right hiking clothes so you could easily move around during the hike. Don't wear too many layers of clothes during the hike, it will make you feel heavier and slow you down. Wearing the right hiking attire helped me in surviving Mt. Pulag.
  • Accessories.  Bring your own cap and sunglasses especially if your hiking on a summer season. While for those who are hiking on the mentioned cold months - gloves, scarves, mufflers are must haves. 
  • Hike early. The earlier you finish hiking, the best spot you have at the campsite. It is also better to reach the campsite before sunset to make the most of your camping experience.
  • Don't shout or disrespect the mountain. Like I said, we went there at the middle of November so we weren't really expecting rain. Locals do have a myth that if a hiker shouts and disrespects the mountain it will surely rain the next day. I guess I do believe their story since there was a man/co-guest in our campsite who challenged the myth and caused the rain the next day.

When is the best time to go to Mt. Pulag? 

I would say that summer season or the months of March - May would be the best since the weather is just right.  But if you're up for more adventure you could go during the cold season on the months of December - February to witness an icy cold trail. But if you choose to go during cold season, you need to be fully prepared in order to survive the cold and icy weather up Mt. Pulag.

Hiking and surviving Mt. Pulag is like 'to see is to believe', once you get there will you only realize that this mountain park is amazing and one of a kind! Hope these Mt. Pulag traveling tips helped you a lot.

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